
Using Undertow is our recommended way of running a Service

The SDK supports running a Service using the high-performance, embedded Undertow web server - this requires the sdk-server-undertow dependency.

Using Undertow is our recommended way of running a service, as it's very performant, easy to deploy, and it's the server we use the most internally so it's very battle tested in the realm of ManyWho Services!


This is an example of integrating support for Undertow into a Service.

import com.manywho.sdk.services.servers.EmbeddedServer;
import com.manywho.sdk.services.servers.undertow.UndertowServer;

public class Application {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        EmbeddedServer server = new UndertowServer();
        server.addModule(new ApplicationModule());

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